

It has been a while since my last Blog. A lot has happened. I guess the universe had other plans for me.

Here is my most recent BIO…


Michelle has a magical hug. Just ask anyone who has been gifted by them. Her energy radiates pure love and you can feel it.

As a small child, Michelle had been been abused by her father in every way imaginable. As she grew she then attracted abusers in her relationships. Four abusive marriages, two dead husbands at a very young age. She says that when its all you know then that is what you attract. Her first Husband, controlling, they were young but remain friends to this day. Michelle learned that her second husband was molesting her daughter at three years old and filed charges along with divorce. He had won custody of their new born son and was ordered to pay child support. Her best witness who was an employee for Child

protective Services

testified the gruesome details of what her daughter had disclosed in court. Her testimony was stricken because of she had also been molested as a child. This created a whirlwind for Michelle and she threw herself into even more chaos.

Michelle meet another man. He was a good but but they had their problems. She was more of the abuser in this relationship. They married and shortly after, he was killed in an auto accident when their son was just three years old. Then she married again. Kenny Miller was extremely abusive.

For many years she lived lost and confused. She walked thru life with her insides shaking and with no self confidence. That is until she began to awaken, she began to discover a new life that she thought was impossible. She learned that she could shape her life by changing her thoughts. She began putting that knowledge to work in her life and her life began to change. Her fourth husband had beat her for the last time. She got another restraining order and this time she refused to let him talk her into dropping the charges for eight months until he kidnapped her. He held her for over a month trying to make things right but still loosing his temper. She finally told him that she wanted a divorce. when he tried keeping her with the threat of not giving her anything that they had worked for over ten years together. They had it all including their own Limousine. A huge home and all the toys. She told him that he could have it all if he would just let her go. She just wanted happiness and now understood that the things were not giving that to her. When she told him that he could have it all in exchange for her freedom and happiness, he snapped knowing that he had lost control of her forever. He began to cry. “Michelle, I am sorry for what i am about to do. If i cannot have you here i will have you in heaven.” She knew he was serious and fled from the moving vehicle. He drove off, went to their home where her two sons were and shot himself in the head.

To this day Kenny Millers family blames her and even tho there was a thorough investigation, they are still in denial. After about two years of getting strange looks everywhere she went in the small town of Bigfork, Montana. Michelle was inspired again. While she sat at her PC looking at the beautiful photo of a tropical island with white sandy beaches on the screen, then looking out of ten feet of snow as her bones hurt from the cold, she thought to herself. “I want to live there.” as she gazed at the beautiful island. “Well what is stopping you Michelle.” A voice in her head said. The same voice that told her to jump into the bitter cold from the car two years before.
“Yea, what is stopping me?” She thought to herself as her chair turned to show her the very “Things” that were holding her back. She gave all of her belongings away and within two weeks she relocated to Central America to start a new life of travel and getting over the fears that were bestowed on her by society and to write a book about her life that will be published shortly after this mission she is on now.
Eight months ago she had was hired to work on a sailboat as a chef. The captain turned out to be a drunk, flipped out and assaulted everyone on the ship resulting in her passport missing. She went to the US Embassy for help and learned that her second husband who had molested her daughter, kept her from seeing her son grow up. He had filed for back child support in 2011 after learning that she had been writing this book about her life and that he was included in it. With this she also learned that she was unable to get a passport to continue her world travel plans and was forced to return back to the US.
Devastated, Michelle decided that enough is enough and has become even more passionate to raise child abuse awareness than before.
After living life from a backpack for over three years, she has travel in her blood and is fearless of it unlike before. Michelle asked for inspiration and it was given. She was reminded of something she wanted to do years ago. She decided that this was the time.

Michelle has a hug that beams love and is about to set off on an incredible adventure to help others and brighten their lives. She is on a mission to cross the states and visit as many as possible giving hugs and doing something to help out those in need as well as those who are also helping people become aware of what is happening in our country. Hoping to find a solution to save others from the pain that she endured and triumphed over. Healing Hugs Across the Nation will help the lives of millions.Paying it forward.

I hope you will join me and show your support in this mission. Hugs do heal. (…) www.facebook.com/healinghugsacrossthenation

Also come check out our new website and sign up for hugs in your town www.healinghugger.com

My journey starts in Florida in one week and I will be moving thru every single state helping others however i can. I hope you will support me.

Everyone who sponsors me will have their space on my website for your business and/or like page.

Thank you everyone for your support.

This is a link to some incredible tools that have assisted me in wonderful ways and helps me have more free time to enjoy my friends and see the sights.

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