MG J2 Restoration, Vroom Vroom

After 35 years in boxes, she is finally coming alive. ~

Bruce Hebb

This is a great day at the Hebb house here in North Carolina.


It’s been a busy two weeks and rewards are paying off!


We made a wire harness before we could go any further we had to assemble the wire harness and install it. What a bitch that was!


That enabled us to install the dashboard.  Now it is connected to the ignition which enables us to start the beautiful Beastie. 


Before we started her, we had to reset the Cam timing and distributer and the engine started right up. When  started the engine!!!


Now it’s time to adjust the carburetor and fix a small radiator leak. Do some final assembly and BAM! We will soon have a beautifully restored 1933 MG J2 MMM race car.


Click here to read about what else is happening in my incredible world.  🙂

Stay tune for the final coming soon!

Congratulations to Bruce Hebb for checking another off of the Ole Bucket List. (…) And to Maria for finally getting her hubby back soon!

This story continues here.


Love, peace and happiness,

Michelle Milne-Jones

Where’s the LOVE?


This is so worth sharing. I hope that everyone will accept this advice and live by it. There are ways that we can have peace in our homes and on our planet. Our relationships are very important. Peace is vital. Click here for some great LOVE lessons.

When you are attracting healthy relationships in your life. The universe responds to you accordingly and will attract the beautiful life that you deserve. 


For your freedom, click here.

Love, peace and happiness,

Michelle Milne-Jones